Louis Vuitton goes green...very green

We've all seen them, the Louis Vuitton ads featuring the likes of Catherine Deneuve, Andre Agassi & Steffi Graf, and Michail Gorbachev in support of the Green Cross International and The Climate Project. They've certainly caught my attention. So I was INCREDIBLY impressed to find how deep Louis Vuitton's committment and efforts truly reach. In their recent report "Naturally Creative" they take a moment away from their fast-paced industry of travel and accessories to sit down and reflect on how, as Yves Carcelle, President of Louis Vuitton puts it, "simple actions make big differences". Like any company starting down the sustainability path, they know they're not perfect but by reading the report, you can see how sincere they are in their current efforts. We were even MORE blown away when we checked out the parent company's environmental website, LVMH and the Environment, where you can learn more about their very broad social and environmental responsibility efforts. Again, the amount, breadth, and depth of their efforts are truly impressive and inspiring. Touchez Louis Vuitton!

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